Monday, May 5, 2008

A Handyman Friend

I have a fellow Handyman friend that recently started working for companies doing REO Property Maintenance. He said that he has a crew that only does board ups and board downs. I was surprised to hear that this was so big. As a Handyman years ago, this was only an occasional thing. Most of the board downs, or as we called them “Grand Openings”, we did for the city or HUD, and were properties that had been boarded up for years. Since they had been vacant so long, you never knew what you were going to find when you went in them, and that’s how they got the name “Grand openings”.

Okay, the point is Danny has expanded his Handyman business because of REOs, and he offers these services:

Board ups
Board offs
Exterior/Interior Painting
Lock changing
Secondary electric repair
Secondary plumbing repair
Siding repair
Roof and Gutter repair
Finish carpentry work

Tune in for the next blog and find out what else Danny is doing on these REOs.

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