Monday, November 9, 2009

Oil Stained Driveway (Answer)

Hey Tom,

The best solution for removing fresh oil is a big bag of the cheapest kitty litter you can find. Just put a few large handfuls on the oil spill, and let it soak for a day or two, and sweep it up. This works great on fresh oil spills or under leaky cars.

To clean the old stains, you will need a pressure washer and some concrete driveway cleaner. You can get this cleaner at any hardware store. A little trick I found to work good, is the day before I am going to clean the driveway, I put some of the cleaner (un-mixed) on the bad spots. After this sets over night you are ready to apply the cleaner as to the directions, and pressure all those years of stains.

Thanks for your question.

Please send questions to Please put "Hey Al" in the subject box.

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