Friday, July 11, 2008

Garage Door Safety

You can check your garage door opener safety devices by following these tips:

Look for photoelectric eyes near the floor on both sides of the door.

If you have photoelectric eyes- test them by blocking the beam between the eyes as the door is closing, and the door should automatically reverse.

If you do not have a photoelectric-reversing-device, you need to check your pressure- sensitive device.

To do this, try to stop the door with your hand (be careful not to be under the door). Before the pressure gets too hard on you, the door should reverse

If the door does not reverse, call a service person to adjust this.

If you have none of these safety devices, then it is time to replace that old opener.

Another safety check is your springs:

Check to see what type of springs you have. If you have a spring that runs along the top of the garage door on a bar, then you have a torsion spring. This type is usually safe if it breaks, because the spring will stay on the bar.

If you have two springs that run overhead parallel with the track, then you have extension springs. You need to check these springs for cables running through them. These cables will contain the spring if it breaks. Without these cables a broken spring can break apart and send pieces of metal flying through the garage.. If you do not have a safety cable call a service person.

Also, annually check that all nuts and bolts on the rails and rollers are tight. This will help limit wear on your motor.

Remember the first step to keep your family safe begins with keeping your house safe.

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